HYPE! Upcoming 2021 Anime YOU CANNOT Miss!

HYPE! Upcoming 2021 Anime YOU CANNOT Miss! | Attack on Titan Season 4, SAO, ReZero, MyHero Academia

HYPE! Upcoming 2021 Anime YOU CANNOT Miss!

 Upcoming 2021 anime that you should be hypedfor. Next year is looking Colossal! So what’s up guys foxen here. Extra thick vid since 2021 is Jam-packed withanime So Colossal Smash that like and subscribe! Post any anime you’re hyped for and let’sget jump into it! The promise neverland season two. Emma and her little buddies just managed toescape becoming some demon's lunch but what happens now they're all on their own in thewild in this demon-infested unfamiliar world every demon wants that booty the promisedneverland season 1 already pulled a mini attack on titan so can it keep on delivering? and Iknow i know i have finished the manga let me just say if you're a huge Emma fan likeme you're gonna love the upcoming arc 2. time for humans versus demons or more likelittle kids trying to outsmart the demon hunters hopefully Emma can continue to show thesemonsters not to underestimate humans humans are not weak. Shield hero season two ready for more isekaijesus best fox girl Raphtalia and the kfc girl yeah the whole witch payoff was disappointingas hell but i have warmed up more to the series since season one finished. Not sure if i'm more curious about the multipleseasons coming, some of the behind the scenes stuff going on for shield hero or whatevercontroversy someone may try to spin up again. I will say i'm just fascinated with how muchthe popularity and love in the west has made more seasons of shield here even possiblein case you weren't aware before the anime shield hero was pretty much unknown in japanarguably even with the anime it was actually Shield hero blowing up on crunchyroll thatthen got japanese sites and fans to take notice i mean shield hero even got a seat at thetable for Isekai quartet so are you hyped for more? 

Kaguya sama season 3. really Kaguya sama enough said i know a goodchunk of Kaguya sama fans are drooling only imagining the new season 3 opening they needto get that guy back i'm not sure i'm ready to see the anime conclude just the end buti am ready to see more Chika and kaguya herself plus any memes that come out oh and the presidenttoo i mean Chika raised that boy i'm just happy that this thing got a season three confirmedKaguya sama season 2 this year already elevated my love for the series so much the season3 anime can't come soon enough. The Slime isekai season 2. Oh yes this adorable overpowered slime returnswill 2021 be the year of the slime in case you haven't heard you're almost getting afull year the Slime Isekai season 2 is confirmed to have two cores on top of this there isa slime spin-off coming too for me this anime was a pleasant surprise when it came out fromthe world building to the characters so i'm really curious to see where this goes nexti am on board for what looks like mr slime trying to be top dog among the demon lords. 

My hero academia season 5. that's right the yearly mainstream superheroanime returns in the trailers you could already see your favorite heroes going up againstthe other class except they're not showing you what's coming later there's going to bea slightly different feel with part 2 which actually has me more curious it's going tohave a strong focus on the villains let's see how anime only people handle their favoriteheroes being away you might be able to look at Attack on Titan season 4 to get an indicationsince it kicked off with a good chunk of episodes without your favorite cast i'm especiallyhyped to see best looney girl toga and mr anime deadpool himself if you love my hairacademia you're gonna love this too a new my hero academia third movie is coming outtoo they're already highlighting the three fan favorite money makers you got Bakugo, Deku,Shoto so which has any more hype season 5 or this movie? 

Redo of healer oh yes if you didn't thinkNaofumi went far enough take a look at this. You got a fantasy setting the main characterhere turns out to be the party's healer except unlike a certain user's party his other partymembers torture and sexually abuse the hell out of him this includes the main charactergetting an extra dose of sausage he didn't ask for instead of a party member he's prettymuch their slave the story truly kicks off when the main character gets this abilityto go back a few years before he even met these holes. This is when the revenge fantasyturns real it's now his life goal to get payback on all those lovely ex-buddies and make nomistake this story is a grape wine fest it's time for the others to become booty slavesfor him and in case the youtube safe language isn't hitting the point it's exactly whatit sounds like there are explicit scenes like every other chapter twitter is going to blowup with his anime. Jujutsu kaizen continued honestly i'm actuallybehind on this anime season but i have already read the manga i've just really been enjoyinghow much Mappa studio is fleshing out the anime to. Jujutsu kaisen does feel like a mixtureof most shonnen an anime that came before it a lot of the scenes give me a vibe frombleach tokyo Ghoul and even boruto's dead and don't get me wrong i say that as a positivethe manga itself feels more or less average but Mappa studio really has elevated everysingle manga panel by a significant margin wait doesn't that sound familiar Demon Slayeranyone? i don't expect that jujutsu kaisen backlash to happen but we'll see and if itdoes who cares just keep on bringing more quality. 

Zombieland saga revenge come on mappa studiocan you stop doing every single new anime and work on this sequel please zombielandwas that lovely idol anime and poking fun at those anime tropes this is anime originalso no one really expected so much insane fun from it but too bad much like the undead idolgirls zombieland season 2 news has been pretty much dead too Mappa studio i know you're makinga butt load of cash from attack on titan and jiu jitsu kaizen don't forget these idol zombiegirls are ready for their next tour. Chainsawman the anime which is being doneby Mappa studio mappa studio really is doing everything somehow this year i found timeto check out this is insane shown in manga the main character denji here has one of theworst life situations ever he's horribly dead to the yakuza so he ends up selling his organsthe only thing he has in his life is a little chainsaw dog life just keeps on getting worsewhen his debt collectors ultimately get him killed by a devil to get the payout one thingleads to another and he got Dengi coming back as his human devil hybrid time to become ademon hunter chainsaw man really is a popular series right now so the anime question wasn'tan if but a when. Isekai quartet season three you got konosubare-zero, overlord, tanya all returning for round three really which of the cast has themost hyped for me i'm easily most interested in the konosuba bunch he used to be closeto re-zero but we're getting that both years isekai quartet season 2 gave you a sign ofshield hero technically conscious hero 2 but that only got a cameo i need to see blondieand the booty goddess interact but these two negatives cancel themselves out into a positivefor season 3 i think i'm actually more curious to see which other isekai they try to sneakin you know more are coming do you want to make any guesses i really wouldn't mind seeingshield girl maple or genzo from kimono michi. Rent a girlfriend season two who doesn't wantanother dose of seasonal cringe will the main character finally hook up with best girl imean without having to pay for his future waifu likewise for this anime don't try towarn me regarding future story points run a girlfriend was actually one of the firstjapanese manga i read when i moved here i was generally surprised when i saw rendergirlfriend got a season 2 announcement but then i noticed and started running into allof these events exhibits and shops selling tons of merch aqua i mean Chizuru is surecarrying the anime hard but the other girls also seem to be carrying their weight hustlingmerch for season 2. well all of them except probably blondie ialways see her stuff on discount so are you ready for more of your rentable waifu? Bleach the final arc bring it on as a pastmassive bleach fan my body is ready burn the wish this season was a nice appetizer backinto the bleach world but i'm ready for the main cast get me back ichigo rukia renji allthe captains hollows and you Quincy enemies yes the hardcore bleach fans know how bleachfell apart due to circumstances at the end but wasn't the quality similar to the finalarc for boruto's dad and people still love that anime still i am hoping that koopa comesback on board to help properly end bleach as he intended that really needs to happeneither way even if they do keep the story the same at the minimum it will be a completeblast seeing ichigo or your favorite captains kicking some tail show off all the bankaiplus bring on the new figures i'm getting chills just think about that. Yuru camp season 2 i know i know how weirdand funny is it to say that i'm super hyped for an anime that is just so calming so laidback but i am i'm ready for my weekly dose of this cozy cozy camping anime the euro campanime has even gotten me to prioritize visiting some places here in japan if only Rona-chanwasn't raging 2020 did give you those episode bites to hold you over but really those werehardly an appetizer which by the way did anyone see or even recall the live-action tv showrecently it got announced that's getting a season two too. 

Evangelion the final movie for reals thistime i know this feels like i'm proclaiming my height for this on the galleon conclusionagain how many times has this movie been delayed and delayed thankfully this invented movieis 100 complete confirmed officially on twitter it got moved from summer over to the winterseason now only a month away let's see if it's actually worth all the hype it is a shamethat the merch did not wait because there are major spoilers from the goodies that havebeen dripping out if you're an evangelion fan just avoid this stuff if you want to getmore of a surprise i am debating about whether to do a quick review on this anyone else thathas not seen this masterpiece of an anime go to netflix right now they've made it easy. I’m a spider so what you know the drilltruck kun comes over and then gives you a one-way isekai trip only this time you comeback as a freaking spider and yes it's japan so they had to make it cute oh and did i mentionshe's a girl let's see who claims the spider to be best girl or waifu material unfortunatelyfor this girl a spider is so weak in this fantasy world time to struggle before therain washes you away let's see if she becomes something similar to mr slime for this taleand in case you're not too interested in a spider isekai just yet this is anime is confirmedfor two cores oh yes more time for this story to breathe. Cells at work season 2. did someone say osmosisjones but the anime version even better done by the jojo's studio david production i willadmit this anime wasn't anything gut blowing but it was still enjoyable as hell it recentlygot an ova special that even screened in theaters here but hold up there's more code black ontop of a sequel sales that work code black is coming out in the same season how the helldifferent studios of course in case you thought season 1 was too light-hearted cold blackhas it covered covering more adult subjects things like smoking cancer drinking stds youget the idea the white cell this time around is a waifu too i think i'm almost more hypedfor this one based on the subjects that are going to be covered you could be sure peopleare going to compare the animation too. 

Dr stone season 2. any of you that are long-term watchers recalldr stone season 1 making it into my top 10 of the year it was such a welcome surprisei mean who would have thought that a shonen science-based anime could work so well season1 really was inspiring he had senkou slowly bringing modern technology back into the worldfor season 2 next up you have science versus muscle with the stone wars i think i alreadyknow who i'm going to place my money on there is this colossal question mark as to how exactlydr stone will end going long term i mean you do have a genius here but he still has a normallifetime better not catch anything weird. Better go start raising the next generationas soon as possible. Re zero season two part two are you readyfor the next round of Subaru torture simulator as if getting eaten out by those adorablefluffy bunnies we're getting that literal kiss of death was not enough it's been greatto see how resource season 2 finally got into the true reserve story too bad the best girlrem got nerfed. At the least you have emilia i know i knowshe's gonna get her moment so far research season 2 has brought back a good chunk ofthe world building that season 1 skipped over and finally you have a whole lot of witchwaifus Echidna don't worry i'll drink your tea even satella made her debut to Subaruand you it is a shame that Rezero season 2 got delayed and split otherwise the season2 ride would have been long over or who knows maybe that's a positive you get to enjoy zerotwo years in a row now. The sao progressive movie did someone saySAO season 1 with SAO alicization gone to your animation hell yeah sign me up i'll bethere in theaters on day one in the next five days too honestly no one expected SAO to beswitched over from a tv anime into this movie format i'm just wishing for whatever formatworks best in case you missed SAO aincrad or felt it was rushed they are now going tobe getting SAO floor by floor which means tons of asana and kirito teaming up rightfrom the beginning oh yes the soft reboot will give asana fans even more to enjoy especiallyif you didn't enjoy how little there was of her in SAO alicization there is a questionabout whether this SAO movie format will keep on going i just hope it blows up like demonsthere that way you can enjoy a new SAO movie each year for the next decade or two. 

Attack on titan season 4 the final seasonperiod yeah it sucks attack on titan is ending the anime and manga already got in a coupleof episodes in and they never expected anime only fans to be divided so much right on thefirst episode new studio new cg titans new sometimes better animation i did expect attackon titan fans to film x on season 4 events but not until much later feels like realityis setting in now with stack i thought in season 4 you got the four-year time skip itlooks like the final season will ultimately separate casual attack on titan fans fromtrue attack on titan fans keep in mind season 4 expects it to have the previous anime seasonevents fresh in mind my friendly advice if you're lost time for a rewatch at the veryminimum be sure to rewatch the basement reveal episodes or my videos on them. Cuz if you're confused or lost now then you'rereally going to be dragged on the floor when things actually start to get crazy and that'sme putting it lightly anyway let's keep on advancing forward i'm super hyped for episode6 or 7. But anyway post below anime that has you superhyped! Bonus points if you mention more than Attackon Titan. Don’t forget to subscribe! You got my top anime of 2020 coming up. Checkout these latest anime videos and I’llsee you later! 

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