INSANE! Original 9 Titans Revealed! Can Eren Or Mikasa Win?

INSANE! Original 9 Titans Revealed! Can Eren Or Mikasa Win? | Attack on Titan 

 Attack on Titan chapter 135. The fight to save humanity rages on! So what's up guys Foxen here! Isayama is giving you an earlyChristmas present. What an insane finale, Attack on Titan is busting out everypast Titan shifter. Has Eren and Ymir are already won? So go aheadand Colossal Smash that like! do it for Eren and ringthe bell. And by the way, my video for Attack on Titan hometownhere in Japan is now up. Anyway, the new chapter title,battle of heaven and earth. So really kicking this off with aYmir flashback. In case there was any doubt the piggies. Today confirmed. Looks likelittle Ymir did free the bacon. This bottom Ymir face shothas given me a Historia vibe. So just taking this intro shot let me give youa quick prediction. For the longest there was some doubt whetherthe Ymir person even existed. I still partly feel it would have beenbetter for Isayama to have left this Titan history, vaguer, you know, compared to showing us awhole process of Ymir getting into the magic Titantree. But here she is now, which means it's time forIsayama to flesh out a Ymir as much as possible within the short timeremaining for attack on Titan. I really wouldn't be surprised that alittle bit Ymir was similar to scout Ymir or Historia. Hell there might be a little bit of Eren inthere. Anyway time for the main event, Titan Eren versus the paradiseIsland buddies and warriors. You got the cart Titan and the Armor Titanversus a beast Titan. Surprise spectator, little Ymir or are you bothfree and still in the Titan realm at the same time? Recall from a few chapters ago, you even saw little Ymir appearingbefore the little kid got turned into a smoothie. What does this mean with Eren is snoozingaway in his dino Titan? 

Then flip it to the Titan Realm wherewe had both kid Eren and a human with their eyes closed too. It looks like Isayama is throwing in more fragments to piece together this theory Puzzle. As for the freaking monkey, totally fake just skin and bones. Was myprediction of Eren using the Warhammer Titan on point? So Eren and Zeke,where are you hiding? Really? This whole situation is worse thanfighting Rod's beyond Colossal Titan. At least with that Titan mutationfreak the weak spot was much easier to find. By the way take a moment to admire this panel shotof the armor Titan, Jean, and Armin. Last time something similar happened wasin attack of and season two anime right after princess Eren got capturedagain. How the times have changed. So is it coming? The colossal Titan nuke.Took you long enough men to get mentally prepared. What I really wasn't toomuch of a fan of what's once again, none of this was at all a thought outplan from Armin. It was more like, Hey, let's go ahead and unleash thenuke and just hope for the best. If you think about it,putting the nuke aside how useful would the colossal Titanactually be in this situation? I feel like it would be extremelyeasy for that thing to just tip over. So Armin have you been practicing withyour thick boy swimming over the timeskip? Hopefully you have. And just to give Armin some creditsurprise Erwin cameo! You got the blonde boy attempting to channel his inner commander. Interesting to notice that this line wasArmin. Someone was searching of Erwin. This concludes he reaches about sacrificing oneself. Should remind you an awful lot of Erwin'sfinal charge against the Beast Titan, which at the same time,it goes back to him, sacrificing himself to take out theColossal Titan in season three. Hold up tentacle time for Armin. ReallyIsayama, did you have to remind us this is Japanese inspired? Oh myGod. In the mouth to, I guess, attack on Titan can't escape this classical scene. Was that theCart Titan? 

Surprise, surprise. Ymir is not a bystander. She looks mad. Her eyes closed confirmed. So little girl, are you responsible for bestgirl getting tentacled? Are you controlling the summoned Titan? Could it be that littleYmir is actually in charge of steering the wheel for the founding Titan and Mr.Freedom? Who's the horse? And who's the King in this situation? This reveal may change things. I like how Levi's justhanging out here. Oh, don't mind me just waitingfor my moment. So Yeager  These are a lot of Titans,massive Claymore vibe with this double panel shot. Come on, Eren or Ymir makesome variant of the nine Titans? I want to see a different Warhammer Titan,female Titan and attack Titan. Give me a beast Titan whale or Dinoversion. Switching to less exciting events Was Onyankopon the only nonTitan on that airplane? Don't worry The guy was just knocked out indreamland, but otherwise AOK. It would be fun if this guy wakesup post Eren fight. But no, I don't think that's going to happen. You had Annie's father asking aboutAnnie. Reiner's mamas nearby. You could bet this iswhat's coming up next. Onyankopon is going to playa similar role that Gabby did in the attack on paradise arc. Wake up buddy. Your job is to pass overinformation to this group of people. Then for the colossal Titan parade, thesethick boys are not stopping. Way to go Isayama giving this extra countdown. CouldArmin and Mikasa make Eren into taco meat before this last group is wipedout? Imagine if that's a finale, everyone is wiped out exceptthe handful of Marleyians plus anyone with Historia back on the Island. One thing to notice is this mentionof the three cannon shots. You know, that's definitely going to come into play, but after the last chapter are thosepea shooters going to have any effect? Imagine if that's what blows upEren. Oh, it looks like Christmas did it come early! Look at all those beautiful Titans.This zombie girl on the left looks like a female Titan cause you know. The arms though kind of armorlike. For the middle Titan where Reiner snapping its neck Warhammer Titan? Theskin pattern on the face and body seemed to match it. Over on the right lookslike the past Ymir Jaws Titan. This is the way I want to see them inthe anime with more detail and color. With a closer look at the female Titan lookingone. Oh yes the Stallion smashed her. What a mouth. Notice those holes to theside are similar to Annie's female Titan and for her no eyes shown either. Ymir just howmuch control and power do you have? So it looks like these guysare in a lot of trouble. 

These summoned Titans aren't mindless andthey appear to be the Titans shift types. Do any of these comewith their abilities? Oh please, please show them off. Sorry guys. As for Conny freaking out. Guys where is Armin? Thething about this is that I didn't even question it. Of course Armin is alive somewhere. Whether it was Ymir or Eren Great job. You succeeded in removing the nuke from the chessboard by pinning down Armin with that tongue action. His Titan can't getany bigger. I like how Levi is cool as ice. And did he just admit Mikasa beingthe top Ackerman now? Levi's like, yeah, I'm recovering. Mikasa you take front. So got to look at this Oh yes. A look at the nine former Titans. You got the thing over here AKA the armor Titan. Mr. Gator. so it Jaws Titan or wouldthat be a variant of the Beast Titan? Wasn't this thing inthe season two opening. You've got this female thing from yournightmares. Look skinless and then a mummy on the right. Likely a Warhammer Titan. This guy is always super covered up. So shy. The only other one you can make outhas antlers or spikes on the head. Is that a Beast Titan or Attack Titan maybe? I did like how they actuallyacknowledged this dire hopeless situation. You've got an army of Titanshifters that got awareness. Eren in theory should be able tosummon unlimited amounts of them. So let me just say it loudly for thepeople in the back Eren is playing with you. The guy could have wonthis all already. He could  have done it with a snap of his Titanfinger. So way to go Pieck sorry guys. Eren is not, my buddy never was. I was really picturing Pieckgoing into sacrifice herself, but Pieck did you have to exit yourTitan to pull the trigger? Oh, too bad. You got forked rightbefore the finish line. And this does put a smile on my face. Great to see this WarhammerTitan version back. She left the battlefield way too soon. 

Then for Reiner time for the next reunion Porco's Jaws Titan returns too. I do wonder if there any consciousnessinside of that Titan head after all Reiner and him didn't leave off on the bestof terms, but hold up another Jaws Titan? The one for Marcel. So finallygetting a closer look at those jaws Titan version too. Although both this one and the PocoJaws Titan looked super similar. The annoying thing is how littlecan be shown with manga panels. Come on Attack on Titan seasonfour anime. For this wide shot with the Titans you got the deerTitan? Perhaps a Beast Titan. Give us a closer look Isayama Next to Mikasa you briefly got this actualmonkey looking fellow. Talk about a monkey and perhaps anotherWarhammer Titan too. Hey Armin welcome back. Could you imagine this being away forthe Titan shifter to die being swallowed up and unableto breathe. So Armin, how might a partial transformation? It would be Sayonara to the nuke, but at least he would be able tosurvive. Hopefully Armin practiced Things like doing a partialtransformation, then nuke over the time, skip then Titan versus Titan Rudolph. I hate and like how Isayama is cleverly, not showing more than needed forthese new Titans, but I'm telling you, you won't be able to hide them for theanime and get a look at this ugly . This is a more obvious beWarhammer Titan face. I wonder if more of you would havepreferred this design over Mrs. Tybur is Titan as for ourmen using humanity's best mind you got arm and putting two and two together that they'refighting against Ymir's Will hence, Ymir must wish for humanityto be wiped out. Hey Bert, how have you been? Surprised warriorcameo inside of Armin's head? 

I wonder if this scene would look similarto the Titan Realm or think back to attack on Titan season three, this scene where you saw Bert cryinghere too. Notice that Bert here has his eyes closed in a similar manner to you andEren could this suggest that all Titan shifters on the field are connectedto the past holders except with Eren or Ymir or controlling them? Sorry. No freedom past death. Oh yeah. It's the face of attack on Titanreturns. The OG Colossal Titan, but hold up, they just spot thisminiature looking Titan. Most likely a beast Titan variant, butthe body seems attack Titan like, Oh, did purchase Colossus matched thearmor, tighten into the Titan spine. Good game. Reiner rurally. This battleis going as expected. Sorry guys. So you got Coney knocked out really abait for us to enjoy the chompers for this other jaws Titan. Props to Mikasa for the save. For Levi here Not looking too hot, dude, that you hurt yourself or is itjust your injuries acting up? And then the update forReiner and Jean both alive, but damage 3d maneuver gearReiner could still go Titan mode, but as a selling out of play, now you got to love the line comingfrom Jean about Reiner VR, more Italian. What a joke dude. The armor Titanhas always kissing the ground. You really had Mikasa scoring allthe points. MVP carrying this team hard. Come on Connie. Saving your assetsfurther. Handicap, Levi, sorry. Levi. Your health is looking moreand more red by the minute. Please say hello to Hange for us. Gettinginto Mikasa pulling the I am strong card. A very obvious Trost speechcallback. And look at this. Notice the symbolism withthe wings on our back. I know someone out there is listening. Give me a poster or figure this way. Mikasa as soon as possible, about a timeFalco you got here, what their Falco, jaws, Titan express and do notice allTitan shifters in the single location. Temporarily time for Annie to use thatspecial female Titan power and Gabby determiner aim bot on it'llbe Eren versus his plot. 

Armor got scene where I spoke too soon. These guys are running away andactual KFC Titan in the sky. Honestly looking at this picture, it almost doesn't even feellike a tag on Titan anymore. Could you have imaginedthat scene in season one, season two or even seasonthree, looking at this alone, wasn't there some bird imagery and someof the first enemy endings. So yes, all of these guys got saved. Minus  a certain blonde. Round One easy win by Eren. Is itgoing to be time to regroup again? And then come back next chapter, youguys really don't have a lot of time. Eren and the close of friends arestill advancing forward. Tik TOK, guys. So let me know. What did youthink about this chapter overall? Was this a great way toshow off past Titan holders? Is there any specific Titanyou want to see more of? I do think this is one of the chapters. That'll be a lot better for the animecause he know tons of action and movement for potential Titans. I want to see, Iwouldn't mind seeing other attack Titans. Just imagine if the Titanfor Kruger or Grisha show up, Grisha had the one with the dad. Bod, what do you think about thevery obvious Falco and save? Especially with this wing design,I also do need to bring it up. What was that about one or2% of attack on Titan left? It feels like there's at least goingto be three more chapters left. It would feel weird if there's finalebattle reps up super quick. I mean, you got at least a round two coming upand that includes any flashbacks and anything posts find whenyou add all of that up, I really could see thisgoing into chapter one 40. So go ahead and post a predictionsabout how this finale will play out. Here's a few quick theories for me sinceyou got into a lot of past Titan Shifters on the battlefield. Now this actually presents aperfect opportunity for Annie. She just has a booth fail, potentialTitan shifter abilities. 

I did bring up how Bertseemed to be controlled. Could the Titan chapters be free tosomehow thereby either having them turn on Eren or at the very least renderingthem useless for this? Once again, any could be a key point in deciding thisdepending on what power unlocks later for Levi. This chapter one foot in thegraveyard. I'm sorry for Levi fans, but Isayama isslowly withering this guy away almost died today, saving Coney, not worth it. Although I could see this potentiallybeing set up for Conny to return the favor sooner for Mikasa,the I am strong speech. I'm still waiting to see whethershe gets a super Ackerman power-up. If Levi does pass for a little Ymir, there's gotta be more fleshingout or some reveal about her. I don't know about you, but itfeels like there isn't enough. Given her a crucial role in the storyfor her yet I'm predicting at least another half flashback with her. It'll be fun if Eren goes downthis trip down memory lane, but this time with army, goahead and take Armin on a date. Visiting Ymir in the past fora bit and talking about Eren, there still needs to be this whole errandreflection point of view or flashback where anything remaining forever andpost time skip it was revealed for Gabby. Get that sniper ready. 

I'm actually picturing him the birddoing a U-turn then Gabby sniping, the bums on Eren's head. Could you imagine Gabby blowing hishead off a second time as for Zeke, the Beast Titan with summon. So it'sthis guy not on this world anymore. I'm not buying this guy dying off screen. I wouldn't mind thinking some moneyed ortightened realm scene with a mixture of Zeke, Grisha or even Kruger anyway,posts any of your thoughts down below, or just say hi, go ahead and watch my visit to theattack on Titan trio here in Japan. Go ahead and see my dumb getting lostoutside! Attack on titan season four anime begins tomorrow. Definitely subscribe. So you don't miss that andI'll see you guys later. 

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