Why is Kirito overpowered? Is Kiritonow this Underworld god? So what's up guys Foxen here. SAOAlicization War of Underworld just showed you Kirito at his strongest.Oh my god Kirito so overpowered but how exactly did you get from potato Kiritoto rivaling god accounts? This video will explain the juicydetails and hopefully clear up some confusion about this.So go ahead and go dual blade the like! Ring the bell so you don't miss a videoand let's dive into this. Thank you to Guardian Tales forsponsoring! Welcome this classic action adventure RPGwith cute pixel graphics. I'm a little biased for this one I couldn't put itdown. It's actually super fun. The singleplayer takes you across various locations throughout the story.I really enjoyed figuring out the little puzzles or clearing obstacles.Like when you finally get your speed boots or get the rock smasherit's frigging awesome. The gameplay battles here are in real time and don'tworry the controls feel very intuitive. For old school fans the gameplay mayremind you of a certain elf. For Guardian Tales you got 50 pluscharacters to play fully customizable plus you could get costumes to changetheir look. On top of the story you got the fourplayer co-op mode, PVP, guilds, and a floating castle where youcould create your own castle! So here spending five dollars you won'tbe able to put it down either. You can find the link down belowor on the pin post. Kicking this off Kirito god mode,hacker mode, serious mode, jesus? It actually is not a real thing.No such mode exists. It is just a nickname that SAO fans made up.The SAO anime has shown his golden eyed Kirito at his most serious.The first time when transcending the system as Kayaba put it.These golden eyes are actually not even in the SAO light novel.Not until SAO Progressive which was when Reki added it earlier to the story.These golden gems showed up with kirito pushing himself while unable to move.

This was likely an effect of his upgraded meditation skill although makesyou wonder, where is golden eyed Asuna? It is almostfunny how SAO fans think the golden eyes mean aninstant win for Kirito. How about the time of Kirito versus the World Tree?Where he ended up like a porcupine. How about versus Quinella? You may thinkof this as a win but Kirito still technically didn't finish her off.I mean Kirito couldn't even stand when it counted. Instead it was that clownthat barbecued Quinella's booty so without a god mode why is Kirito sostrong? Why do potato Kirito suddenly get godly powers?or the hater version, why did kirito get so powerful for no reason?It's almost like some people get amnesia for earlier events. To be fair the SAOanime does expect you to piece stuff togetherunlike a lot of shonen anime although sometimes the pieces aren't fullyexpanded on. For the best SAO experience be sure toread the light novels too. Kirito's strength in the Underworld canbe broken down into five pieces. First off Kirito's SAO experience. Recallthe Underworld being this world made up of memoriesshared memories from every Underworld citizen including Kirito which meansdespite him starting off with this ultra low authority he still had his SAOknowledge to give him a boost. Since being isekai-ed Kirito has slowlyrealized how his past SAO experience could be used in the Underworld. Theultimate manifestation of this was him bringing out his black swordsmanpersona. Thankfully the anime did keep thiscomment from Bercouli. Bercouli had a hunch that Kirito would determine theoutcome of this awful war. Bercouli even admitted that even he maynot be able to match Kirito's incarnation.Just to compare this was Bercouli who spent over two centuries honing hisincarnation but Bercouli sensed it. That Kirito had asmuch experience with the real battle as himif not more. Bercouli didn't know why but you should.It all goes back to SAO fighting for his lifewhich you should notice this is not something unique to Kirito. People likeAsuna or others on the front line should excel in the Underworld if given theopportunity. At first it may sound strange thatKirito could have more experience than anIntegrity Knight but if you keep on thinking about it it makes too muchsense. It all goes back to Quinellahandicapping the Human Empire. Quinella made it so instead the powerwas collected among a few Integrity Knightsbut even then before the war these knights almost never engaged inany real danger. Almost everything was one-on-one and mostly one-sided.Even Bercouli who grew up fighting there was only one time in his life where helost to a dark knight and had to flee for his life.None of this compares to Kirito, Asuna and countless others that were constantlyfighting off death. For Kirito the guy wasn't bornspecial but instead he used his knowledge from the SAO BETA to get ahead start. Unfortunately the anime cut out how muchwork Kirito was constantly putting. He spent so little time sleepinginstead choosing to power level. 

He took advantage of the best farming spotswhile taking the risk of solo leveling. At least the bonus for this was that allexperience was going to him and in some situations it did allow himto move quicker. Ironically what indirectly helped to make Kiritostronger was him getting his first guild killed includingSachi. Post that dramatic unfortunate eventAsuna took a notice of Kirito acting recklessly especially during floor bossfights. She wondered if Kirito didn't care if hedied. It almost seemed like he was wishing for his death for killing Sachi.Years later you now know that Kirito evaded the grim reaper. He found a newreason to keep on living and fighting. It is unfortunate that the SAO animeskipped the rush chunks of the available Aincrad material.Reki has since then expanded vastly on the OG SAOespecially with SAO progressive. Number two the divine weapon the Night SkySword. It feels like people don't give thissword enough credit. This divine object was crafted from the best part of theGigas Cedar. It was the demon tree that stood insolitude over centuries sucking up the blessing of Goddess Solus.Originally this was a divine tree placed by Quinella using the power of theCardinal System. I do need to emphasize just how much theNight Sky Blade has proven to be invaluable for Kirito especiallyversus Integrity Knights. Its special ability has saved Kirito's asslike versus Fanatio, versus Vassago, versus Gabriel. Without the blade's powerto absorb resources those battles would have gone completely different.On the flip side i do want to point out the times that the ability didn't do toomuch for Kirito. 

Versus Alice mostly pushing her swordback and then ejected from the building thanks! Versus Quinella sucking upresources didn't do Kirito any good there.Number three Eugeo. Blonde boy really doesn't get enough credit.Eugeo has really helped Kirito not only traverses unknown Underworld placehe has helped him grow as a person. Likewise Kirito saw Eugeo as someone withcountless potential one who may surpass him one day. Heconstantly helped to push Kirito to stand and continue moving forward. Theteamwork between these two was a key that helped them overcome those peskyIntegrity Knights. One of the biggest pushes by Eugeo wasduring the Quinella fight. Eugeo was even the one that provided thesecond blade made from his life the Red Rose Sword. Ultimately you sawhow much pain and suffering that Kirito went through from Eugeo dying.It really was the last blade that broke the swordsman's back.Eventually Eugeo did make a comeback serving as the final push thatpotato Kirito needed. It allowed Kirito to forgive himself from the countlesspain and losses since the death game began Eugeo included among those.In the climax of SAO season 3 you literally saw Eugeo fighting by Kiritoside. Versus Vassago you had the double releaserecollection powered by both of them. The Blue Rose Sword's memoryrelease was something that Eugeo shaped through his own incarnation.Alice did mention there is a one memory release limit per Fluctlight.Versus Gabriel Kirito released another double release recollection.The Night Sky was shrouded in darkness which originally came from Eugeo'sdescription of Kirito in his final moments,which actually came from the starry night in Eugeo's memory from thecountless years that passed with him stationed at the demon tree. Even afterKirito used the Spirit bomb sword to gather the energy fromtens of thousands Kirito still screwed up his starburst stream.It was the Eugeo that came in like a bro. I got your back!The guy literally burned his final remains from the Blue Rose Sword to blockGabriel. It was the Eugeo that allowed the finalhit possible for him. Thank you best boy Eugeo.Four Quinella. Even if you don't want to piece everything together for Kirito'spower how the Vecta do you forget aboutQuinella? 

It is almost ironic how Quinella ended up handicapping herself which wasby stealing off her kinky bedroom. In the end this purple granny ended upas this tasty bag of xp. Much better than some witch fluids. Keepin mind Quinella had lived for over 300 yearscenturies ago. She already maxed out her system authority. The lady even fused hersoul with Cardinal she was every definition of a goddess just without theactual title. This demigod was what Kirito, Eugeo andAlice defeated. Recall Eugeo and Kirito battling thosegoblins in the cave? Just beating those green blobs of xpincreased their authority high enough to use a divine weapon.Now turn to Quinella. Imagine what they could achieve from beating the strongestUnderworld being. hat'd be like a hundred rare candiesbut wait there's more. Kirito should have also gotten a boostfrom taking out Quinella's ugly clown. He was described as the strongest sacredarts user but wait more. Recall the golden sword titan? The onemade out of 30 blades with priority of divine objects. While Kirito didn't landthe finishing blow he was still part of that battle. Oh yesxp share for the win and even more before Quinella got friedshe actually ended up taking out the only other person who could rivalher authority. Little Cardinal got barbecued so ifQuinella hadn't maxed out everything taking out the loli surelyput her past the limit. You could see how Kirito indirectlybenefited from this gain. In the anime Quinella even confirms allof this. She recently showed up and actually spoke about a power increase.The subtitles may not have gotten this fully across but Quinella didn't wantKirito to display this 'godly authority' that heinherited from her which confirms the divine boost that Kirito got fromdefeating her. 5. Kirito potato mode. Unfortunatelyalong with the Kirito and Asuna kiss scene, the anime skipped over an important keypoint for Kirito's power boost. As described by Kirito throwing hispotato closed off state he had been deeply connected tothis 'ways of the world' In japanese the word used was 'kotowari'which means for around half a year Kirito was connected to this deeperunderstanding, a deeper comprehension of the Underworld.

Thankfully Reki expanded on this. on top of Kirito's higher understandinghe brought up the power of "shini" which has been translated as incarnation,willpower, mental image. Reki tells you to think about this typeof power as being more powerful than other rules or laws of the Underworldso putting it all together Kirito came out with this deeper understanding ofthe most powerful laws of the Underworld. He now understood how he could use hispower through incarnation although Reki does hammer down therebeing limits. On top of this there is somethingvery important. Reki claims that a full dive into the Underworld understandingis a big spoiler for upcoming SAO stuff so eventually you will be able to lookback at this with a better understanding. As a bonus here's an explanation fromRATH Higa. The real world person with the deepest understanding of theUnderworld was Kirito. He was just a 17 year old high school student that gothurled into the Underworld without any preparation.He had adapted, evolved, and inhibited powers greater than the four godaccounts. That wasn't just some power that Kirito was born with.Unlike RATH who saw artificial fluctlights as only experimentalprograms, Kirito had acknowledged that thefluctlights were just as human as he was. He interacted with them fought with themprotected them loved them as human beings. That was why theUnderworld all people who lived in it chose himto be their protector. So how was Kirito able to get out of potato state? It was acombination of Eugeo, goddess Asuna and the two othersconnected via the Soul translator. All of them helped to rebuild his damageself-image. How to Kirito defeat Vassago? Vassago was actually pretty much thewalking dead thanks to the previous assault from Asuna.The only thing keeping him alive was that SAO chopper. With Eugeo's helpthey froze all those red knights and once Vassago's chopper broke it waspretty much game over. Why and how did Vassago get treed? IfVassago died he would just wake up in real life and start causing chaos thereso Kirito forced the memories from his sword into Vassago's body.Another way of thinking about this is forced body manipulation. You knowQuinella was capable of this. Kirito was actually scared that Quinellamight do something like that to him. You saw Cardinal do this for Eugeo andyoung Alice when she fused him into the Blue Rose Sword.Eugeo himself used this type of matter conversion to create the Red Rose Swordfrom his own life. Even Dee performed body manipulation onher witches to save her sorry ass. It was described as this forbidden artwhich implies it was something not only possible but performed enough times toget this horrible reputation. In theory it should be possible forAlice or Eugeo to do something similar. Alice's own sword is from a tree so shecould force something into a tree state. For Eugeo it might be a block of ice.Either would be this horrible sentence. How did Kirito fly? This was acombination of the authority he inherited from Quinellaplus a deeper understanding of the underworld. Previously Quinella andCardinal were the only two capable of flyingalthough discount mcdonald's and Bercouli were capable of using sacredarts to run in the air. Papa Bercouli was at the point ofskipping the system call altogether. On top of this I do need to stress howin reality flying in the Underworld is not all that special,depending on how you look at it. The SAO light novels do mention how this type offlight was a regular system command presumably one requiring high enoughsystem authority. For any admin in the Underworld this would be no problem.Reki even mentioned how admins could use this type of flight to get over to theEnd World Altar. In the end it boils down to Kiritoaccessing the system command from his deeper connection.With enough time and authority really anyone should be capable of doing thesame. 

How did Kirito get wings? This goes backto the deeper underworld understanding combined with the knowledge that theUnderworld is built on. Memories no doubt Kirito was using thefly command but like Reki pointed out wings would make it easier to performmore precise movement especially in battle.The wings themselves came from Kirito's memory of flight in Alfheim Online.Thankfully you've now seen Gabriel and Asuna perform something similar.How did Kirito defeat Gabriel? This was a greatly combined effort huge shout outto Eugeo and yes the anime didn't explain it butwhen has it ever? The combination of Kirito and Eugeo helpedto gather everyone's energy, their hopes, theirwishes, their love. He then forced that into the endless void inside ofGabriel's black hole-like heart. You even heard him laughing his ass off.Gabriel didn't believe that anything could fill that void.Ultimately Gabriel met his maker from his fluctlight getting overloadedfrom that input. Oh and i've seen you ask what was that Alicia scene.It might have been a hallucination from his fluctlightt getting fried.Gabriel finally felt fear for the first time.Don't mess with blonde lowlies. Since i first saw the SAO anime Kirito hasalways felt like a breath of fresh air. He wasn't some kid that started withsome special ability. He wasn't born gifted. He didn't even belong to specialparents. Unlike somebody shonen anime at thetime that retconned this later. Kirito was just a socially awkward kidthat through a series of unfortunate events in SAO ended up pushing himselfbeing sharpened by his pain and tragic loss. Hopefully this video helped clearthings up for you. I spent so much time with my editorjust days analyzing the stuff from the SAO light novels comparing what was inthe original japanese version to the english ones too.I did want to get an even deeper look for Kirito but this was already superlong so if you want to see part 2 smash thatlike come on let's get this over 9 000 for memes sake. By the way do checkout Guardian Tales! Link below. Trust me you're not going tobe able to put this down and if it isn't your thingno worries just by downloading does make you super awesome for supportingbut anyway bonus question for hardcore fans, what's been your favoriteoverpowered Kirito moment? Let me know below hit that subscribe formore juicy SAO and anime videos watch my in-depth look at all Integrity Knightsincluding Kirito and i'll see you guys later!