Perfect! Jesus Eren Meets Reiner | AOT S4 Explained

Perfect! Jesus Eren Meets Reiner | AOT S4 Explained  | Attack on Titan Season 4 

 Attack on time in season four episode 4! Time for Reiner to come face to face withjesus Eren. So what's up guys foxen here oh yes did Mappahear our pacing concerns. This attack on Titan episode really nailedit it turned out great so go ahead and colossal smash that like and subscribe. We did it five hundred thousand next goallet's get to a million before 2021 ah if only this episode titled from one hand to anotherkicking this off Reiner and Falco talking about those helpful hands you had the name dropfrom mr kruger. Let's go turns out mr Yeager has been using the name of the former attacktitan that helped out Grisha. You still have hobo Eren at the hospital hey little boy canyou do me a favor and this is why you avoid talking to nice people with candy yes canyou send this letter to my family really code for helping me snuggle this out of here suppliesyour best who is getting Eren's love letter the wife mikasa better not find out so farthis is the fourth episode and unfortunately no updates to the opening i was hoping forsomething new but i'm losing out hope is anyone else too anyway let's visit the tiber familythese money bags even have their own private personal guards i mean mr gian here has beengetting fed well dude Levi could climb you so let's welcome Willy Tybur into attack ontitan the head of the tiber family and for me personally one of the most fascinatingcharacters in the series and oh crap i just realized it the thick buddy over here is actuallythat marlian dude from the battlefield notice that wounded arm he was previously bitchingabout anyway getting a good look at the entire tiber family keep in mind they are Eldiansthemselves who live with wealth and mansions i spy with my little eye a few troublemakersas for the juicy topic commander can you guess who is the warhammer titan gotta love Willytiger suddenly playing with him from everyone here who's looking suns rest assured the warhammertitan is in this location time for some titan lore the great hero Helos which is a warriorthat saved the world a century ago let me get this straight a warrior that was somehowable to take down titans huh who does that remind you of i bet Zeke is shivering in thedistance. 

So getting deep into Magath his thoughts about Marley being empty within are prettyrevealing arguably both of these guys are right about how the great hero Helos is aperfect stand-in that embodies Marley in present-day they really go into the current state of affairsfor Marley despite Marley constantly being at war you know trying to conquer more peoplefor their land people within Marley are all too oblivious at the reality of what's goingon on the battlefield i mean why would they care they're too far separated besides a lotof that fighting is done using titan powers and Eldians so what does this whole situationremind you of a country that goes to war pretty often this really is one of the shining partsof attack on titan you could relate this so much to our own world anyway contending withthe commander's thoughts about Marley he's not too happy about his nation the guy even wants Marleyians to join the battlefieldthemselves hopefully getting a taste first hand would make them rethink their war agendanext up the colossal revealed time the grand twist it turns out that Marley is actuallybeing controlled in the shadows by the tiber family which means by Willy this means Eldiansat the top half kept the status quo they've kept the ongoing terrible treatments of Eldianswithin the intermissions diving into the reasons for Willy's actions or lack thereof this goesback to morally capturing the titan powers and overthrowing the Eldian king during thegreat titan war. You recently found out about the Tybur family stepping up against the kingin short the roles have been reversed now the press Marley has now become the Tyburthe tiber family has simply voluntarily given freedom to Marley. Willy supposedly claims this was part of atoningthey were just watching to see what Marley would do history has shown that they did exactlylike ld had done use and abuse the titan powers to take over more land and people this episodenow has Willy coming out claiming that he accepts responsibility arguably this couldbe why Willy agreed to zeke's plan to give a grand speech to the world on their behalfit's time to attack paradise island the time to reveal the truth to the world is comingup can you handle the truth? A key thing to notice here you got that line from Willy thata hero is once again needed hardcore Attack on Titan fans will recall me referencing thisin various theories who ultimately will become that hero of the next heroes? Wwitching tojuicier stuff they did it the Pieck scene you actually have best girl on all fours go aheadguys i give you permission to simp i'm actually surprised at how many manga readers got pissedoff that the scene got removed from episode 2. i guess Mappa heard your complaint you couldn'tlive without seeing Pieck's cake. 

Anyway mission time look closely at the walls here perfectcircles and fitting on the island no problem you might call me crunching the numbers onthis there is no way the walls would fit on madagascar given real world measurements thenfor Reiner stating some facts let's attack from the south the guy over here was justbeing a dick i like Pieck here bringing up Marley's amazing track record sending fourkids to capture the Founding titan oh it should go better the second time around so way togo Falco beating gabby Reiner must have given him some tips when he outran annie it wasnice touch here having the Marley guns actually being nice and even rooting for the warriorsas for gaby being a little witch. Someone woke up hangry today why are you tryingso hard i'm doing it for you gabby oh did the little lovebird actually confess raisinga flag there too but against gabby super ineffective talk about being super dense like shonen maincharacter dense. As for the drunk fella hugging the little girl i'm calling bs he knew thatwasn't gabby i really don't recall the same being in the manga but i do like how the animeis showing you how grateful the audience are towards the warrior kids new bread for gabbyas for the festival talks these guys here did drop a few main points the tiber familywill declare war and hopefully the world will side with them these guys even bring out thetopic about whether it's going to be that easy for a detail that's been glanced overeven in the manga Udo brings up other internment zones for Eldians outside of Marley that they'resupposedly worse than those within Marley i do wish the anime showed the worst imageryoh i'm so perfect so cute getting all the bullies thirsty like that drunk gentlemanfrom before gabby you're too much i freaking love the touch of the anime making her lookweird she looked like she'd be the one to stab you when you sleep switching over tomagath and Willy you heard them talk about this demolition just know they were talkingin code about Marley needing this restructuring meanwhile Willy didn't seem too pleased atactively interfering within Marley's affairs oh the responsibility woe is me little thingto notice the commander did bring up noticing rats running around switching over to yourdaily dose of jaeger plus Falco. 

Falco didn't look too happy but he did say he'll continuemoving forward i bet you that put a smile on Eren's face mentally at least but comeon Falco how much free labor have you actually been doing for this guy? As for Eren's littlegift a baseball glove who thought it was a great gift to give this to a one legged bum. As for Eren here once the festival's overyou'll be heading back home i don't know if it was just me but Eren did look cheerfulas he shared this hey finally Eren meeting up with grandpa better not bring up the grishatopic right here mr Yeager brought up Falco's uncle grice the one fellow that got Griceinvolved in all of this so Eren looks like you've been caught using a little boy quickmake grandpa disappear it is sad to see that grandpa Yeager still lives in guilt over whathappened to Grisha and faye i mean you even have boomer yeager looking like a past titanperhaps that helps to explain titans freely expressing their regret everyone was likewell that was easy now time to go break an old buddy for the mid info card this episodethis time focus on the Tybur family it feels like most of this was a summary of the stuffin this episode combined with past info hmm what is that Tybur symbol supposed to be anywayparty time the night before the festival really guys i'm sure the child labor will add tothe atmosphere go ahead and drink the Marley wine i would like a bottle they actually happento take a title in sake please do a wine collab next oh no Udo you royally screwed up timeto get the fey treatment thankfully you did have this lovely asian granny being all tookind which really goes to show not everyone hates sail demons more importantly do noticethat japan has entered the chat specifically hizuru and the attack on titan world as forthe tiber playboy this dude is as popular as ever this included being popular with thenation that Malrey was just fighting as for the drunk bastard oops did you let your truethoughts out the anime um i mean oh bother the important part to notice here is thatthese world leaders love Willy they love the Tybur family on the flip side that fondnessdoesn't exactly extend to the Marley nation and did you catch the irony of Marley toastingto peace right when a war declaration is around the corner they shouldn't just let Willy handleany talking at least Willy is willingly open to talking about his Eldian background evenbringing up the popular Eldian extermination topic 

Willy is about to reveal his final solutionnext time on titan ball z but hold up this episode already got to the day of the festivaleven gabby was surprised for Falco here wipe the cream off dude i like how he was justlike shut up gabby just lick oh no the warriors use the puppy eyes we got no money Reineronni-chan and it looks like Porco got a freebie too even at the end best girl was gettingsome cheese i was actually glad to see Reiner being a tad happy if only briefly so gabbyhow the hell did you get wasted on food you should keep in mind that it was Falco thatgave her that ice cream the little kid is like all according to plan hopefully you stayedfor the post-credits scene time for the night festival i really hope they keep on doingthese so you got Reiner going down his own basement yo Reiner take a seat buddy oh yeshell yes perfect episode i think this might be the best from season 4 yet let me knowif you liked it too did you dislike anything i mean this is what i'm talking about thepacing being slowed down really makes a world of difference i'm predicting the manga comparisonvideo won't be too long this week the long chunky one for episode 3 is now up by theway anyway Willy will deliver the truth in episode 5. i'm predicting that's going to set the worldon fire watch attack titan be trending again unfortunately i should remind you there isa one week delay for episode 5. could you survive with the wait? This is actually dueto japan taking some time off for the new year which means the next attack on titanepisode is in two weeks. I could only imagine that Mappa studio will still be working non-stopi know waiting sucks but personally i've been working non-stop daily ever since the Attackon Titan season 4 started even part of christmas day so i'm actually looking forward to thisgiving me some time to breathe talking about Mappa studio they actually released an updatedattack on titan season 4 visual you got hobo Eren up in front i've even seen jesus Erentossed around that's a fun one let's see how Eren lives up to that title really quicklytoo we actually got to 500 000 on christmas day i really wish i could have been happyon that day but my thoughts were really on the news that my dad just got tested positivefor rona chan and then the actual day of it seems like my entire family is showing symptomslovely how in the us it takes days to get results the only bright side to this is thankfullythey're only showing mouth symptoms thankfully anyway for the half million mark i don't knowwhen but i'm thinking about doing some quick video idea thinking back to the start of thisyear i really didn't think i would hit this mark this year so big thank you to you watchingliking and commenting i do read what you post as much as possible by the way do check outmy top upcoming anime for 2021 next year is freaking packed for anime so included twicethe amount i'm also trying to start and finish the best anime of 2020. hopefully somehow i could release that laterthis week on top of this there's two other bonus videos coming too i don't know how i'mgetting any sleep so be sure to check those out when they do drop but anyway let me knowdid you enjoy this episode better than the previous ones how was the pacing definitelysubscribe so youtube sends you new videos on time go watch my upcoming 2021 anime videoand i'll see you guys later. 

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