Top 10 Levi Ackerman Facts


 Captain Levi, also known as humanitystrong a soldier. Levi is known to be a pretty small guy. He comes in at fivefeet three inches or 160 centimeters. The only males count shorter than him isConnie. Levi also weighs 143 pounds or 65 kilograms. No surprise at all to find outthe Levi's is totally ripped underneath. My god those abs! They might make youquestion whether you want Mikasa abs or some Levi's abs instead! For thelongest time Levi's age was the total mystery. Goahead take a wild guess at the age of the strongest man! After hardcore fanscontinue to bug him, Mr Isayama caved in with an answer. Levi wasrevealed to be in his early 30s, yeah 30s! So how close was your guess? I originallyguessed that he was in in mid-20's. And let's not forget about Levi's birthday!That falls on December 25th. You could go ahead and do a combo celebration withLevi and Santa Claus on that day. Have fun opening up some Titan sized gifts! The voice behind humanity Strongest Manis Hiroshi Kamiya. This guy is a seasoned veteran voice actor. Take a look at a bitof his work: There's Yuzuru from Angel Beats.Garland from Beyblade G revolution. That Bleach villain from the third Bleachmovie. Mephisto from Blue Exorcist. Kiyomi fromthe Bake Monogatari Series. Kouji from Digimon frontier. Shinji from the FateStay Night series. Seijuurou from Kuroko's basketball.Yato from Noragami. 

Chotomatsu from mr. Osomatsu. He even had a cameo in SAOseason 2 as a top ranked player in GGO. Yeah the one that got taken out rightaway but that's not all! He doe she also voiced Peeta from the Japanese dub forthe Hunger Games and he was even in Batman V Superman as Lex Luthor. Yeah,that one really is a surprise! Mr. Isayama revealed several of hisinspirations for Levi in the past. The first one is actually Rorschach from TheWatchmen film. After seeing the movie Rorschach really stuck with so hedecided to use him as a starting point. Rorschach and Levi are pretty shortin height and they have amazing fighting abilities. The two are also at the peakof human strength and have incredible reflexes and precision. The cravat at thatLevi wears was definitely inspired by Rorschach's white scarf. Both of thesetwo also take no issue with using violence to do what needs to get done.All I gotta say is look forward to seeing Levi in Attack on Titan season 3.As for more into Levi's design, Mr. Isayama was aiming forsomething similar to Hiei from Yuyu Hakusho. Levi is even the exact sameheight as him. Mr. Isayama has further revealed in the past Q&A that theinspiration for Levi's height is due to a concept coming from Astro Boy and Kyuzofrom Kurosawa's the Seven Samurai. 

In all this is quite a mixture to a gave birthto Levi! Have you ever wondered what was behindLevi's cleaning OCD. If your guess was that it came from its past life inUnderground City, bingo! Levi's present-day obsession withcleanliness comes from in his childhood of living in filth.Levi's really disliked it so much that now he does anything in his power tokeep everything clean. One of his top wishes growing up was just to have aclean place to eat and sleep. Levi also has noticed how purer the air feelsoutside of the walls. In comparison the air inside the walls feels so rotten tohim. Perhaps it's one of the hidden driving forces behind what keeps himfighting. Levi may want everyone to experience its fresh breath of freedomsomeday. One interesting thing you may havespotted from Levi is his drinking style. Levi prefers to told his cup in thisspecific manner. It almost reminds me of how L drank his coffee. The reason forwhy Levi does is actually dates back to his time in the Underground City. Leviwas finally able to buy some black tea and a tea set after saving up money. Assoon as Levi poured himself a cup of tea, unfortunately the cup handle broke andthe whole cup shattered! Perhaps this must have traumatized him a bit. Eversince then he's decided to hold his teacup in this manner.What's interesting to notice that that Levi loves his black teas so much. Hemakes sure to spend a good portion of the Survey Corps fund to keep it instock. Eventually when all these Titan battles are over, Levi evenhave to dream of opening up his own tea shop. Keep on fighting for that dreamLevi! My god,Levi sure is Mr. super popular. Perhaps Levi is also your most favorite attackon Titan character too. 

To confirm this even more so Levi has won two popularitypolls in Japan! He easily won both times by a landslide. It really is no surprisethat Levi was quick to get his own spin-off series. Since you're watchingthis hopefully you already seen it or read it Attack on Titan No Regrets. Whenthe first volume for that was published it sold almost a quarter million copiesin just the first week alone. There's so many series out there that will kill forthose numbers total. Eventually No Regrets went on to so half a millioncopies total. Some really hardcore fans also got a chance to buy a Levi sizedstatue of him. The price? An affordable almost 16 thousand dollars but heyit's totally worth every penny if you love Levi! Poor Levi, not only did he have his closefriends killed but the small guy also constantly suffers from insomnia. Perhapsthis explains Levi's crude language and attitude but it's actually no joke.According to Mr. Isayama, Levi cannot sleep more than three hours at atime. Try to imagine that! It does seem like Levi has gotten used to this sleepproblem over time. Most of the time Levi doesn't bother changing out of itsuniform and just falls asleep in a chair. I am a bit surprised that this hasn'taffected Levi's Titan killing abilities, or on second thought, maybe ithas! Imagine if everything up until now has been Levi on three hours of sleep.Levi's full godmode will be a loss if he ever gets a good night's rest.Come on Erwin make it happen! The Attack on Titan series made severalchanges when being adapted into the anime. An interesting one involves Levi.Tn the final episode before the final battle within wall Sina, Levi faced offagainst a female Titan in the Titan forest. This is unfortunately where Levisuffered that serious injury Levi was later way too injured to help out duringthe fall in his battle. Despite this in the final episode you surprisingly seeLevi's sliced Eren out of its Titan. This was Levi using his 3d maneuver gear. Inreality this scene never happened in the manga, Levi never showed up. He stayedright next to Erwin the whole time. It's funny to notice that even the animeadded an extra scene from Erwin where he told Levi that he should stay putt since hehad that injury. The whole reason that Levi was even wearing that outfit wasdue to him being officially off duty in the first place. What's also interestingis what happened later cuz of this added scene. This happened to confuse a bunchof people as to why Levi was out of commission in Attack on Titan season 2but who could really blame them? If you only saw the animeyou just found Levi using his gear an episode or two ago. So what exactly made Levi the man thathe is today? The No Regret series gave you a glimpse of Levi in his 20s butlet's dive deeper! You saw Levi living in the Underground City, he had actuallybeen there his whole life. 

The only family that young Levi had was hismother. His mother was this poor prostitute that worked in theUnderground. She eventually ended up getting pregnant by a client. She madethe decision to keep the child and this led up to Levi being born. Right here donotice a parallel to Rorschach whose mother was also a prostitute.Unfortunately Levi's mother later died from an illness. When he was still soyoung a visiting uncle happened to find a young Levi in the same room where thecorpse of his mother remained. His uncle couldn't just leave Levi there soended up taking Levi under his wing. This man is the one that taught Levieverything he knows, from drinking to effectively using a knife to kill.Eventually this man ended up disappearing, leaving Levi alone in thethe ground. What Levi learn from him must have been enough since Levi later wenton to become the most well known thug in the Underground City! About Levi's name his full name isLevi Ackerman, sounds familiar doesn't it? 

That's right!Mikasa and Levi are related, they're brother and sister. Who woulda thunk it?Just kidding about that last part, but the two are related. The connectionhasn't been fully revealed yet. Levi could be a distant relative to Mikasa orperhaps even her uncle. What's funny is that within the Attack on Titan fansthese two are still a very very popular couple that people shipped together. Yeah, never mind that Levi is over twice her age, they're also blood related! Iknow that people who like to describe Attack on Titan as a game of throne ofanime but come on! Anyway this doesn't mean that Levi gets the buff from beingfrom the same Ackerman bloodline similar to Mikasa. This is the same bloodlinethat served as a king's sword and shield in the past. It's the family thatresulted as a sub product of Titan science. Once again we still don't knowthe full extent of this family's power. The time when Levi is hidden potentialawaken has also not been revealed yet. Anyway definitely cannot wait to see thetwo Ackerman kicking some Titan tail in Attack on Titan season 3! Hey guys thanksfor watching please be sure like and subscribe if you enjoyed this Levi video!Especially if you really loved him! So question of the day for you, Which Attackon titan characters do you want to see covered next time? Also fun bonus onewhich is your favorite unofficial couple from Attack on Tita!n I'm sure this isgoing to get some interesting answers. oh and also do check out the I'll see you guys later! 

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