Who Will Win? Can Eren Defeat FINAL Titan Threat? (Attack on Titan Theory)
How to defeat the titan king? Attack ontitan theory time. So what's up guys Foxen here! Today we're gonna have a little funa quick attack on titan finale discussionhow to take down the ultimate titan threat let your imagination runwild for this video so Colossal Smash like let's get that to over 9000and subscribe too we're almost at half a million and a special thanks to King'sRaid for sponsoring the name may sound familiar the king'sright anime is airing right now this game actually has somethingshocking it does not have a gotcha system you heard that rightfreaking awesome want a specific character or costume you got ityou definitely know the feeling getting super frustrated not being able to havebest girl in your party and there's a lot to customize with 90plus characters did someone say wings how about wings on top of wings forthese characters in general i love the level of detail on themespecially the waifus a lot to love indeed on top of this there is real-timecombat this is not turn-based you do have a live pvp system and go ahead andrelax with your guild buddies and join the tower climbthe newest update even has a hero returning as rebel claus which youcould get totally for free you can go ahead and download king's raid for freeright now just click the familiar top link in thedescription which is actually a perfect time to join right now with thehalloween events remember really quickly this video isn'tme saying that Eren should lose i mean obviously Eren has the upper handbut instead we're just having a little fun exploring and examining thepossibilities kicking this off the Armin nuke reallythe obvious boom in the box waiting to happenunfortunately
Armin could only shoot his colossal load oncethat is it in the latest attack on titan chapter you just had arm and sky divingout and Eren which means armin isn't taking anychances if armin knew Eren's location right away he would have gone for thesuper nuke hopefully let's assume in thisfinal in-game scenario that armin wouldn't hold back any longerthe issue now has shifted we now have all the attacker titan avengers fightingon Eren's' bony body if armin goes boom everyone's about toget hit that includes Mikasa, the stallion, Conniethey would all be vaporized no escape although these guys don't even have areliable plane anymore still there are a couple of options ifarmin is ready to actually set off the nukealthough the titans and scouts could pull a levi surrounding Eren you haveall those colossal titans so go ahead and ride the colossal titansand get the hell away from here hopefully you can handle the heat. Didsomeone say titan uber you know the falco titan is bound tocome in sooner or later. His flying jaws titan could give everyone a chance tohitch a ride hopefully this KFC could actually flyquickly or less likely could Armin have actually gainedcontrol of the nuke to some extent. Armin time for a more mini but concentratedblast radius and yes i know he set off the whole hugeexplosion over at marley bless assume armin was letting it rip that time anddon't get me wrong i highly doubt this but who knows withenough titan magic and titan training that said i'm super curious would you bedisappointed if the series ends and armin did not use the colossal nukeonly his colossal titan would this actually be a deal breaker for any ofyou next option zeke kill the guy or turnhim is zeke alive is he dead for this actual scenario let's assumethat the summoned beast titan is zeke he's either unconscious orconscious in whatever state it seems that Eren is controlling beast titanor if zeke is actually elsewhere let's assume that he's actually on earthpotentially stuffed within Eren's founding titana couple chapters ago the team's quick plan actually centered around zekecould killing zeke or at least ungluing the brothers stop the colossal titanthreat which means they are actually gamblingon Eren's current founding titan control there's something that's onlypossible due to this constant connection to zeke at the momentso taking a deeper look at this do you see how the previous events betweenYmir and Eren played out on top of this what zeke revealed aboutlittle
Ymir this half-assed plan should not work presumably right nowEren is in full control of the little ymir i mean you freaking saw themtogether in the titan realm recently i would wager that zekeisn't needed whatsoever sorry you're freaking monkey Armin and friends wouldbe better trying to unglue or rescue zeke then recruit him the beasttitans royal blood could play the special key to give their signa brief bonus trust me they need anything at this pointthe female titan kfc combo the female titan and the jaws titan are the onlytwo Titans mia for this titan endgame which means like next chapter Annie andgabby are about to ride the just titan falco versionover to the action Gabi and annie are packing the female titan could use hernewly revealed totally not last minute power to copy ormimic Eren's power the question becomes can she choose between the attack titan,Founding titan or Warhammer titan and he may actually not get the titan powershe's hoping for with the first bite so how many times does annie need tomunch on Eren for this scenario let's assume annie arrives no problemthen manages to acquire the titan power she wants from Erenwhich power would she actually benefit from the most any female titan alreadyhas titan crystal so warhammer titan sorry out the choiceis now between the founding titan and attack titanfor the founding titan which power exactly would annie have access toyou do have to take into account that annie has no royal blood although ishould also mention there is a possibility that any copied foundingtitan power does not require that if this doeshappen i do expect attack on titan fans to scream and ass pull especiallyif a new founding titan ability pops up i didn't mention this in my last attackon titan theory video you know about the attack titan ability to seemfuture memories how did the female titan play the same gamemanny go ahead and swallow Eren take him out before it's too latealthough you do have to take into account that potentially stopping
Erenespecially way in the past would pretty much doomparadise island i'm also not sure how playing around with time would sit withmost attack on titan fans although you could argue we're waybeyond that discussion after the whole titan realmscene talking about the titan realm how about something involving royal bloodwhich means either zeke or historia historia's busy elsewhere onthe island which means zeke You're up! and no i'm definitely notexpecting some secret royal blood to pop up what this whole scenario involves isactually finding a way to enter the titan realmyou have seen Eren bring his buddies and audience inside already but withthis scenario they'd be going in through their own meansif not getting inside the titan realm via using zeke it would be funny orinteresting if the ackerman duo turned out to be another key theackerman were made to protect ld and slash royal blood but how aboutif their ultimate purpose was also to keep them in checkimagine if levi mikasa turned out to be that super special ackerman they needthat would actually suggest or have with a hint at the true reason for theackerman creation which would mean one of the pastfounders knew this doomsday scenario was comingand you know Uri pretty much admitted to actually knowinggetting back to the main goal entering the titan room could these guys actuallydo something in there something useful whether that would be involving theextra zeal tree or perhaps lessening eren's control over the little Ymirnext up weaken Eren could something possibly make Eren trouble upright now Eren is the ultimate titan what is the titan's weaknessthe best and most obvious thing would actually be waiting for the sun to godown are the colossal titans and the massiveEren titan solar powered obviously in the clouds the titans wereyou know them being stuck inside the walls although new rules may be in playwith the founding titan nearby without the sun.
I would hope that Erenwould at least get a bit sluggish but unfortunately the rest of marley cannotwait. to make matters worse armin and friendsalready skydived on to him so let's actually get to the next bestalternative any as this is talking a real long shot.Perhaps you could get the armored titan slamming the female titan using her newpowers or somehow via armin's nuke in whateverway it may be these guys need to find a way to blastoff the main part of Eren's titan get that thing sinkingdeep into the ocean floor i kind of doubtEren even needs to breathe at this point but down belowin the deep ocean most of the sunlight would eventually be cut off so hopefullythe beast titan or falco could use their beast boy ability to turn into a whaleto help out next up overpowering Eren talking abouttitan weaknesses you know that titans have limitationsEren has last been seen raising his titan transformation limit to at leastthree back in the attack on marley before theseries of current events Eren transformed once back at paradiseisland to fight off marley after that Eren titan was getting worn outfighting the armored titan john's titan plus the cart titan sniping him away assupport. You know that in titan form they still have a limit on their titanregeneration think back to Porco's jaws titanthe question now becomes can the warriors and scouts actually damageEren enough to even make a dent unfortunately these guys are reallylacking in the firepower department they better hope annie couldactually ruin some of the colossal titans nearbyat least enough for some stray colossal titans to actually damage the main bodynext up get Eren injected which means really just find the main body and digEren out really out of anything this should really be at the top of the listdoesn't matter what state Eren is in fully recovered drained armin you gottafind Eren and suck him out somehow at the very least our men and friendsdid acknowledge this possibility along with the issues surrounding itwhere exactly is eren located if eren is functioning like other titans you wouldassume it would be in the very familiar spotwhich means don't aim for the head but aim for the neck levinext up how about if everyone just screws up and me just saying that itfeels like this could potentially go into the badwriting trope picture this you got
Eren being this villain figure towards arminand friends everyone is out mikasa the warriorscompletely drained unable to move then potentially have zeke one of theackerman or gabby coming in from behind and finishing Eren offyou know like the night king sayonara Erenyeah that would be an extreme game of thrones type of finalei think i would hurl if Isayama came out with this but don't worry this scenariois clearly impossible i mean right next up howabout some titan fusion talking about bs how about we go back tothe Attack on titan season one finale recall the female titan versus Erenround two you have that supposed rage titan coming out very much shoneninspired or would that be eva by the way a little bit later you had that randomass titan fusion the attack titan combining with the female titancould that quietly make a comeback for the finale perhaps when all titans cometogether we have some special titan rules that applyhow about if some titan fusion switch was flipped on the biggest seamer titanwas once a whole after all so for the finalei play titan polymerization who's to say thatEren would be in control of multiple titans suddenlyfuse up you could picture annie or reiner taking turns staring the maintitan body or more important the actual foundingTitan control over everything ultimately this would be just reallytripping up eren long enough for the next stepeither armin's colossal nuke or perhaps by enough time forzeke to sneak back into the titan realm and snatch a blonde lolinext up your favorite Gabi you could have gabby riding falcothen boom headshot Eren's entire titan blows up Rodtitan style because the titans just snap awayeveryone's revived for some reason gabby gets a statueshe becomes the world's savior and everyone lives happily ever afterexcept
Eren really that would be the masterpiece instantly going into thedumpster fire right next to game of thrones but in all seriousnessright now i am mildly worried that Isayama would actually give a notable roleto Gabi for Eren's defeat if Eren doeslose. There would be Gabi finishing off Eren but i don't see howgabby wouldn't be of help at least a decent chunk and don't get me wrong thisis not even talking about mine doesn't mattereven if you like gabby you know that a decent chunk of attack on titan fanswould lash out for this Gabi scenario regardless of Gabi i'm reallypredicting a decent amount of people that will not be happy on the day of thefinal chapter. Ultimately i do have to bring up what a lot of you have beenwondering throughout this does it even matterEren already knows how all of this should end he's been guiding isayamathis entire time so shouldn't the question be does Erenwant to win does he want to lose you infamously saw Eren with his littlesweetheart in the titan room kit Eren declaredno negotiations denied any discussions and any talk no jutsuEren is a free boy the only reason the scouts and wars are alive is becauseEren allows it Eren has allowed them to move aroundfreely which also includes any titan transformationwhich means i could see Eren keeping the colossal titan boys away it'll justbe Eren in his titan form and any titan he could summon versuseveryone which means at the end of the dayi really don't see Eren losing unless he wants to lose or dieanyway definitely let me know how you want to see the Attack on titan finale playout do you want to see Eren become the ultimate victorgoodbye armin and mikasa plus the warriors or could these guysgenuinely pose a threat to the founding titan and really once again this wholediscussion was a quick look at the various scenariosdo not take any of this as me saying that it's 100 gonna happenif anything a lot of these scenarios were stretching the possibilities outsome by the way talking about
The Attack ontitan finale i've been cutting this question by a lot of youIsayama did announce another percentage left for the manga he claimed there'sonly about one or two percent left he actuallymentioned this in a speech for this grand opening for the Attack on titantrio statues in his hometown i'm actually debating about taking atrip there let me know if i should anyway you're familiar with Isayama andhis magical percentages last time he said there was like fivepercent left about three percent has been chipped away since that timei'm debating whether Isayama sucks at percentages or he's just trolling.He must be trolling about one or two percent left let's just go with twopercent being generous that is really threechapters left which means the Attack on titan will end inaround chapter 137 let's be generous with the range to sayanywhere from two to four chapters are remainingi've also seen this floating around and it really goes to show how many don'tread manga that the final chapter number needs to be a multiple of foursince each attack titan volume has four chapters just discard this completelymanga finales do not care about this whatsoevertrust me the publisher will find a way to split the remaining chaptersamong the final volume or the final few volumesyou could go ahead and check this for yourself there's countless manga thathave finished some volumes have an extra chapter orthey're just split across honestly you say i shouldn't be givingthis any brain energy leave that to your editoranyway definitely give king's Raid a try the game is free to download belowtop link it's perfect if you got some time to burn and no worries if you don'tcontinue playing it just downloading helps out the channel a lotanyway post your attack on titan finale theories and predictions belowit'll be fun checking back to see who was right when it endsbe sure to subscribe too we're like at half a milliongo ahead and watch my past who will survive the Attack on titan video and i'llsee you guys later!